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Turley steps up a gear in the south of England

Written by: Colin Marrs
Published on: 9 Dec 2015

Persimmon homes

Consultancy Turley is looking to boost its senior team as it embarks on a housing-driven growth drive across the south of England.

The firm says that it could take on up to nine planners across its offices in Bristol, Southampton and Reading.

The expansion has been prompted by a major uplift in workloads relating to housing projects across the country, but particularly in the South, according to Ryan Johnson, director and head of residential at the firm.

Johnson told Planning: “We are looking for two to three senior planners in Reading, the same number in Southampton and possibly another couple in Bristol.

“We are focusing our efforts on recruiting senior planners upwards with a focus on getting the most experienced staff we can.”

The firm said it is interested in finding planners with commercial experience, particularly in relation to project management of large scale residential projects through the development plan and development control process.

Candidates with suitably strong experience will be considered for associate or director roles, he added.

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