Suffolk councils seek planning manager to tackle rise in development activity
Suffolk Coastal and Waveney District Councils are seeking a new planning development manager to cope with a rise in development activity.
The two councils have fully integrated their planning and coastal management service as part of a wider shared services programme.
Philip Ridley, head of planning and coastal management across the two councils said that the new post has been created due to a rise in planning applications and the anticipation of more to come.
He told Planning: “We need to respond to an increasing workload due to a large amount of activity on some major projects.
“We are in one of the most beautiful areas of the country but there is lots of activity at the port of Lowestoft, BT’s global research and development headquarters, within our enterprise zone, and activity related to housing growth.
“We are not a typical rural borough council area as we have lots of planning issues and projects.”
The two councils have recently published a growth strategy for east Suffolk to support the wider aims of the New Anglia local enterprise partnership, focusing on economic development.
Image of Lowestoft: Tim Parkinson, Wikimedia Commons
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