Merged Suffolk planning team plans policy boost
Two Suffolk councils with a merged planning service are looking to expand their planning policy team to tackle growth demands.
Suffolk Coastal and Waveney District Councils' principal planning officer Mark Edgerley told Planning: “The challenge is to balance significant levels of growth with protecting a sensitive local environment.
“We've been driving to expand the planning teams as Waveney reviews its local plan and needs to promote regeneration and manage growth over the period to 2036.
“Suffolk Coastal meanwhile is currently finalising work on growth and regeneration plans for Felixstowe and identifying sustainable sites across the district.”
The councils want to recruit one planning officer and one principal planner to grow a policy and delivery team currently numbering about 10 planners.
The councils have merged most services including planning to improve quality and cost effectiveness.
Ongoing projects include Kesgrave, a phased development of 300 homes, a primary school and open spaces (pictured).
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