Royal borough looks to create 'conservation areas of the future'
A royal borough is sharpening focus on sites for housing to meet ambitious targets and create 'the conservation areas of the future'.
The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea is working on big regeneration sites like Earls Court and Kensal Canalside in one of the country’s most densely developed boroughs.
Head of forward planning Jonathan Wade told Planning: “We are focusing on urban design and shaping places. The borough has challenging housing targets – 734 a year for the next 10 years.
“For a relatively small London borough this is quite a lot and we will have to sweat our sites to make sure that happens.”
The council is looking to recruit a senior planning policy and design officer to take on masterplanning, site-specific planning briefs and neighbourhood initiatives.
“The borough has an international reputation and unmatched built heritage, which sits alongside iconic retail centres and world-class cultural attractions.
“But we also have an ambitious regeneration agenda and want to make sure we are building the conservation areas of the future,” said Wade.
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