Planning team sharpens focus on education and care for the elderly
Growing demand for schools and care for elderly people in a coastal town has led a planning team to strengthen focus on provision.
"There is a raft of different applications," Borough of Poole planning and regeneration manager Doug Evans told Planning.
"There is a strong education agenda and a scattering of applications, some of them major, for care facilities at the other end of the age profile - elderly people.
"We have a growing population so need new and larger schools. At the other end of the demographic scale we have elderly people who need care homes.
"All this creates more demand and challenges for the planning service, which is also dealing with housing demand. But with elderly people moving into care, it releases their homes for the market."
Recent projects included 54 new extra-care apartments in Rossmore, for which builders started on site on 17 March.
Borough of Poole is looking to recruit a planning officer within its development management team to appraise and prepare reports on a full range of planning applications.
The postholder will undertake analysis of development proposals and seek to secure positive outcomes by negotiation.
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