Planning restructure leads to expansion at council
A planning restructure at Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council has led to an expansion that has seen two new members of staff join the authority.
The new recruits joined following the merger late last year of the council's planning policy and economic development teams.
“Bringing planning policy and economic development together into one team will help ensure a joined-up strategic approach to encourage investment and growth of the economy, which is a corporate priority,” principal planning policy and economic development officer Ashley Baldwin told Planning.
“The local economy is a very important component of planning in the borough.”
Economic development officer Jacob Salder recently submitted his PhD at Birmingham University in sub-national economic development and governance.
Economic development assistant Lisa Smart worked for Forward Swindon, a company established by Swindon Borough Council specialising in regeneration.
Baldwin said: “They will be involved in responding to planning applications and supporting new and existing businesses.
“Within the first year both new members of staff will play a key role in developing the council’s development strategy to support delivery of aspirations in our emerging local plan.”
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