New planning role to spearhead Swindon housing plans
Swindon Council is creating a new role for a planner to try and co-ordinate ambitious plans for new homes.
Planning manager David Dewart told Planning: “We have to deliver 1,600 homes a year for the next 10 years, a thousand on council land in the next five years.
“In the past we relied on volume housebuilders and urban extensions, but we need more diversity in housing, more affordable and social housing for example, and we want smaller developers involved.”
The council is looking to recruit a planner to become a commercial development programme manager to help deliver houses in urban areas and on green and brownfield sites.
Dewart said: “It's a planning post but not in the planning department. The new postholder will report to our director of finance and change.
“The person will coordinate planning applications for housing development. We want them to sit above the fray and be independent of planning but work with planners and others to deliver homes.”
Swindon Council employs six planners in policy and 28 in development management and the new postholder will be in addition to this roll call.
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Image: New canalside town housning in Swindon. Picture: Swindon Council