More housing emphasis from borough council
A jump in applications for residential work has led a local authority to hone its focus on delivering housing across the borough.
Ashford Borough Council joint development control manager Oliver Peel told Planning: “Applications have picked up considerably.
“We have some fairly major schemes on the go centred around the town centre and urban area. But we are also dealing with smaller projects such as stable conversions and changes to employment spaces.”
One of he biggest local projects was Chilmington Green (pictured), he said. The initiative will provide around 5,750 new homes in three neighbourhoods.
Ashford Borough Council is looking to recruit a new development management officer to deal with a wide range of planning applications, manage appeals and advise the public on development matters.
“In terms of housebuilding there are a lot of allocated sites in our development plan and many have been through the planning system,” said Peel.
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