Kent council looks to boost planning policy team
Maidstone Borough Council is seeking to expand its planning policy team as it prepares its draft local plan for examination.
Business manager Tay Arnold told Planning: “It's an incredibly busy time as we prepare to submit our local plan for examination.
“Workloads are high and we are seeing a combination of projects across the board. Maidstone is the first borough in Kent outside the metropolitan green belt, making us attractive for investment.”
The council wants to recruit a planning policy manager to add to its existing team of seven planners in the policy department.
“This is a large, busy and historic town set in countryside so we need to encourage and support economic growth but maintain our local heritage and identity.”
Arnold said that one of the larger projects recently handled by the council includes Park Wood, a £38m regeneration project involving nearly 200 new homes, a shopping area and community facilities (pictured).
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