How do they do it? Dave Jolley
As an 18-year-old school leaver Dave Jolley worked in Bolton Council's planning department in the mid 1970s before studying a five-year planning degree at Liverpool Polytechnic. He then worked for several councils before joining Salford City Council in 1987 and then transferring to Capita when Salford sought an external partner in 2005. He rose to director of planning and building control at the Urban Vsion Partnership, a joint venture between Salford City Council and Capita.
Q. What are your objectives in your current role and how are you measured against them?
My key objective is to ensure delivery of planning services to our core client Salford City Council and meet regional and central performance-related targets. I have regular performance meetings with the client officer who is head of planning for Salford.
What key lessons have you learned during your career that help you to fulfil those objectives?
Be open minded about service delivery. Focusing on customer needs and those of the public should inform delivery.
Be creative and flexible. Historically some local authorities have focused on trying to deliver from only their team but agendas are ever-more demanding and resources scarce, so authorities should accept they may have to work with other councils and the private sector.
Inspire and motivate your staff. The way to do this is to train them well, offer a wide scope of work, recognise staff with rewards and put in place a strategy for retaining staff.