How do they do it? Clive Harridge
Town planner Clive Harridge heads up AMEC's planning and design group of more than 80 planners, architects, urban designers and landscape architects. He leads projects for major public and private-sector clients including government departments, regional bodies, local authorities and the Crown Estate. Harridge was president of the Royal Town Planning Institute in 2006, the first ever president elected by membership ballot. He is secretary-general of the Commonwealth Association of Planners and became a Freeman of the City of London in 2007. Before consultancy, Hambridge worked for West Midlands County Council, Warwick District Council and Rugby Borough Council.
Q. What are your objectives in your current role and how are you measured against them?
My role is to lead and develop the team within the wider framework of a global plc, so there's a significant amount of business managerial work. But I also keep in direct contact with project work. I have regular meetings to ensure I'm helping to steer the team and deliver effective, good project work, but the ultimate measure of performance is client satisfaction.
Q. What key lessons have you learned during your career that help you to fulfil those objectives?
A Make sure you deliver excellence. I make sure I'm at the professional front edge by offering the best possible advice in a timely and cost-effective manner. This is fundamental.
Value effective team-working. Planning is all about working in teams and we are well equipped to lead in developing projects or policy advice, so identify ways to achieve effective team working.
Use your skills as widely as possible. You can do this through the RTPI or Planning Aid. I've helped at West Midlands regional level, been an external college examiner and an RTPI ambassador in schools on top of international work with the Commonwealth Association of Planners. Explore how you can use your skills way beyond the day job.