Housing charity appoints new chief executive
Campaigning charity Empty Homes has appointed Helen Williams as its new chief executive.
Williams was previously assistant director at housing umbrella body the National Housing Federation.
She replaces Empty Homes’ long standing chief executive David Ireland, who has been appointed director of building at research body the Building and Social Housing Foundation (BSHF).
Empty Homes campaigns for measures that would see empty residential properties brought back into full-time use.
The charity’s chairman Mark Hemingway welcomed Williams’ appointment and paid tribute to Ireland’s work.
He said: “David’s passion for housing issues, his drive, his determination and his work ethos are all legendary and our loss is certainly BSHF's gain.
“The issues surrounding empty homes are now firmly towards the top of the political agenda and this is in no small part due to David's work at the charity.”
Williams said: “Housing is likely to be one of the key battlegrounds in next year’s general election. We need to make the case that more needs to be done to ensure that wasted homes are effectively used to meet housing need.”
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