Graduate push expands Cambridgeshire planning teams
South Cambridgeshire District Council has expanded its development control and other teams by recruiting five graduate planners.
Clare Howe has joined the council as a planning project officer after completing a degree in human geography at Leicester University.
Howe, who is focusing on the eastern part of the district, told Planning: “I was recruited to tackle an increase in planning applications and have the option of studying for a masters in planning.”
Other new graduate planners include William Tysterman who studied geography at the University of Sheffield and is in the development control west team.
Rebecca Whitney studied marine biology at Anglian Ruskin University and is in the development control east team.
Dean Scrivener studied environmental science at the University of East Anglia and is in the planning consultancy department and Lewis Tomlinson studied geography at the University of Leicester and is currently in the new communities team.
Director of planning and communities Jo Mills told Planning: “This is an expanding planning department and we are keen to attract fresh, young talent.
“We are as busy now as when the market was in growth. There is a sense this is not a time of a diminishing public service, but of a growing department.”
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