County planning promotion boosts focus on economic development
A county council has promoted a planner as it seeks to place greater emphasis on economic development and housing.
Wiltshire County Council has promoted Joe Richardson from the post of enforcement officer to planning officer.
Team leader Adam Madge told Planning that Richardson will deal with a full range of planning applications, from householder projects up to to large-scale housing schemes.
“The big agendas for us at the moment are economic development and housing. We are working to get as much economic development going as possible.
“But the more jobs you create the greater the demand for housing. Fortunately, we have a core strategy in place and have a five-year supply of land, so we're not in a bad position.
“But we still have to look ahead and explore the potential for more housing sites in future to ensure the demands and priorities of the planning service are met.”
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Picture: Salisbury Cathedral, Wiltshire