Council recruits to tackle housing and jobs demand in Devon
A west country local authority facing big demands from housing and employment has recruited a senior officer to its spatial planning and delivery team.
Alistair Wagstaff has joined Teignbridge District Council from Torbay Council as principal growth point officer. He will handle investment in development and infrastructure.
Senior planning officer Alex Lessware told Planning: “Alistair will liaise with public and private-sector partners and coordinate the council’s capital programme and help deliver the local plan.
“The improving economy is prompting growth but having an up-to-date local plan and adopting the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) also helps.
“We have several deliverable sites and there's a lot of desire from the private sector to bring those sites forward. The CIL helps to provide the infrastructure.”
The local plan includes provision for around 12,400 new homes, mainly around Newton Abbot, Dawlish and the south-west of Exeter.
Wagstaff manages a team including a senior planner, a green infrastructure delivery officer and a development information and monitoring officer.
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