Council planning team expands to tackle housing demand
A local authority planning team is having to deal with a spike in demand for large-scale residential projects.
Eastleigh Borough Council major applications team leader, Dawn Errington, told Planning: “The expansion of our department is to help us deal with increased volume of major planning applications.
“These are primarily for residential work but we have some very large sites, so some of the projects are for mixed-use development.
“Some of those sites are for between 1,000 and 1,500 units and we have had strategic land sites coming forward, in part, to help with that.”
Eastleigh Borough Council is looking to recruit a principal planning officer on a one-year contract to work on complex major planning application proposals.
Errington said the department was in the process of taking the council's local plan through adoption and was focusing on large-scale housing provision.
“We are getting applications on the back of that. What's driving increased demand is the ongoing need for more housing and the economic recovery.”
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