Council strengthens planning team to drive housing delivery
Local authority planners are targeting several large housing development sites to meet the area's need for around 10,000 new homes.
Wokingham Borough Council team manager for development management Andrew Chugg told Planning: “This council has a lot of potentially large housing sites coming forward.
“There are a number of strategic development locations the council has put forward through its development plan and we have up to 10,000 houses allocated as part of the process.”
The council is looking to recruit planning officers and senior planning officers within the planning policy and development management services.
Chugg added: "These new postholders will help us in deliver good-quality planned development while preserving the quality of the built and natural environment".
"The new staff in development management will handle planning applications across the board, from house extensions to commercial developments as well as housing. Those in policy will help the team review current policies."
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