Devon council expands to tackle growing housing need
A west country local authority is looking to expand its planning team to meet a growing demand for housing in Devon.
Teignbridge District Council is looking to recruit two principal planning officers having recently adopted an updated local plan. The authority is planning for 12,400 new houses in the next 20 years.
Planner and strategic places business manager Nick Davies told Planning: “We have a requirement for quite high growth of about 620 homes each year.
“We have moved from being an authority with an outdated plan to one with a five-year land supply and levels of growth set out for the next 20 years.
“The successful candidates will work within the major projects team dealing with large-scale development proposals in an area that is set to deliver this significant growth.”
Target areas for housing include Newton Abbot, Dawlish and the south-west of Exeter.
The new officers will prepare committee reports and appeal statements and give evidence at hearings and public inquiries.
(pic shows Teignbridge District Council main offices)
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