City Deal leads to planning expansion in Glasgow
A major two-government initiative to jump-start £1.2 billion of regeneration has prompted a planning consultancy to make a senior promotion.
CBRE has promoted Andrew Woodrow from senior to associate director. It follows the City Deal announcement in August by the UK and Scottish governments for the Glasgow city region.
It will fund infrastructure projects and tackle challenges in the region's labour market. Each government will award £500 million in grants with the local authorities borrowing £120 million.
Woodrow told Planning: “The future is all about growth in our Scottish team. Promotion allows the team to bring in new staff for building our presence in the market.
“Councils in the region will be looking to the recently awarded City Deal, which will allow major infrastructure proposals in the region to come forward.
“This in turn will bring forward future development sites and opportunities, which we hope to capitalise on.”
Woodrow said the planning agenda was being nudged along by other drivers in Glasgow including the private rented residential sector, pushing demand on several sites.
“Meanwhile the office development market is doing well in the city with speculative development coming out of the ground, which our agency and investment colleagues are heavily involved in.”
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