Borough planning team expands to meet population and housing growth
A London borough has expanded its planning team to meet challenging housing targets by taking on two new members of staff.
Matthew Rees becomes deputy head of development management and enforcement at the London Borough of Hounslow after joining from Westminster City Council.
Kiri Shuttleworth becomes a career-grade planner after studying at Cardiff University in which she spent a year as a student planner at Vale of Glamorgan Council.
Head of development management and enforcement Marilyn Smith told Planning: “We are incredibly busy. The number of applications received went over 5,000 for the first time last year.
“As well as a target of 12,000 new homes to provide in our local plan we must ensure employment opportunities, schools, health and leisure infrastructure to support the growing population.
“Our local plan should be adopted in September and we are now working on an area action plan for the Golden Mile (pictured) stretch where the A4 and M4 roads converge.
“We are also working on a new town-centre masterplan for Feltham and a west of the borough plan to unlock development adjacent to Heathrow airport.
“These proposed developments will be unlocked by strategic transport improvements that we are working closely with Transport for London to bring forward.
“And we have to balance high-pressure, high-density development with protecting heritage and homes in the area.”
Smith added: “We have created new jobs to address these development pressures and are also currently looking for two senior planners, an area manager and a deputy manager.”
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