Suffolk council expands planning team on back of development push
A Suffolk local authority is looking to expand its planning team as it presses ahead with an ambitious council house building programme.
Ipswich Borough Council last year embarked the first new-build homes programme in Ipswich for 20 years, seeking to put up 100 affordable new homes in the town.
Planning and development operations manager Martyn Fulcher told Planning: “We are looking at town-centre regeneration by boosting employment, leisure and housing.
“Within the town centre we are quite constrained physically but have 3,500 houses allocated and we are progressing several schemes.”
One of them, Bader Close project won a social housing national prize last month in the annual Bricks awards, he said.
“The 108-home Bader Close development is the first substantial council house building programme in the town for 50 years.”
The council wants to recruit two senior planing officers, one in development management, and the other in policy.
“Ipswich is the largest centre in Suffolk for business, culture, entertainment and sports, with a rich history and a thriving waterfront,” said Fulcher.
“It is one of the fastest growing regional centres in England with thousands of homes and jobs planned for the area together with the continued redevelopment of the town centre and waterfront (pictured).
“Our core strategy is due to go to public examination next year, so this is a really challenging but exciting time for the borough.”
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