Cornwall-based consultancy gears up for rising housing demand
A small planning consultancy is gearing up for big housing demand as a local council comes under the spotlight on its draft local plan's proposed housing target.
Stephen Payne Planning director Steve Payne told Planning: "Cornwall council has it's local plan with the secretary of state right now.
"Everybody who knows anything about the area will be aware it is way underestimating housing needs in the county so it's a challenging time."
Payne, who is based in Truro and has been practising for 30 years, said: "From a planning perspective we need the skills and vision to reconcile the benefits of development with the protection of Cornwall’s unique environment.
"Truro is a bustling cathedral city as well as historic market town. But there is a fine balance to hit in planning: as well as housing demand, there are demands on tourism, infrastructure and commerce.”
Stephen Payne Planning is seeking to recruit an associate town planner who will work on all aspects of planning, not just housing, within a small team of professionals.
"The new post holder will tackle development proposals, appeals, enforcement and awfulness matters and local plan representations," said Payne.